Young people are always secure in their finances. When they have a comfortable job or a steady income, they rarely think of the future. However, you can only work for so long. When you reach your 60s, you deserve a break from a lifetime of work. You deserve to sit back and relax, enjoying the remainder of your life and being care-free. However, if you want to be financially stable in the future, you need to start working on it now. You can do this through self managed superannuation funds in Ingleburn. At Silver & Young Chartered Accountants, we can guide you through the complicated process of establishing this fund.
About Self Managed Superannuation Funds
The SMSF is one of the most secure funds to invest in. It offers great returns and allows you considerable control over your investment. You can keep an eye on the investments and see if they offer the right amount of returns. You can also change the investments if they don’t perform well. You can also pool your entire family’s wealth under the SMSF and add up to 4 trustees to the fund. However, for all its benefits, SMSF has one drawback. The process of setting it up is very complicated.
You need a professional’s help to set up self managed superannuation funds in Ingleburn. We have the experience and have set up several SMSFs in our lifetime. We also keep up to date with the latest rules and regulations regarding the fund. That ensures that you won’t have to worry about.
The Process
The process of setting up a SMSF is quite complicated but it doesn’t end there. After you’ve set it up, you need to maintain it, and manage it on a yearly basis. The set-up process of the SMSF according to the Australian Taxation Office is explained below:
We will help you set up and maintain the self managed superannuation funds in Ingleburn. This would include everything from the steps explained above to tasks like preparing and lodging tax returns, and ensuring that all ATO obligations are met.
If you have any question about accountancy, investments, and self managed superannuation funds in Ingleburn, don’t hesitate to contact us at Silver & Young Chartered Accountants. You can get in touch with us by giving us a call on 1300 621 884 or send us an email at You can also fill in this online enquiry form and we’ll reply as soon as possible.
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