By choosing to use a Chartered Accountant, you are choosing a financial professional that has gone beyond the basic accounting qualification.
Chartered Accountants are specially trained to help you look at the bigger picture for your business, not just your routine finance tasks.
This ensures you have a trusted voice in decision making.
Highly qualified
To become a Chartered Accountant, a person must complete the CA Program which is an accredited postgraduate qualification that sets rigorous entry standards and involves a series of demanding assessments based on real-world scenarios.
This training equips Chartered Accountants to be growth accelerators, critical thinkers, innovators and digitally savvy experts who can guide businesses to navigate disruption and unpredictable environments.
Depth of experience
Chartered Accountants are required to have completed three years of mentored experience to apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems and make decisions.
They are also obligated to keep their skills current through mandatory, ongoing professional development to maintain their Chartered Accountant designation.
Trusted and ethical
All Chartered Accountants are bound by an internationally recognised Code of Ethics, meaning they are held accountable to high professional and ethical standards which is backed by a robust discipline process.
The fundamental principles of the Code of Ethics are integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour.
Source: Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand